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Title: Nematostella Embryonic Transcriptome

Type Dataset Tulin, Sarah, Aguiar, Derek, Istrail, Sorin, Smith, Joel (2012-12-12): Nematostella Embryonic Transcriptome. Dataset.

Authors: Tulin, Sarah ; Aguiar, Derek ; Istrail, Sorin ; Smith, Joel ;



RNA-Seq was performed on Nematostella Embryos at 5 timepoints during early development: 0hrs, 6hrs, 12hrs, 18hrs, 24hrs after fertilization. Embryos were harvested, lysed and mRNAs were selected using Dynabeads. Directional sequencing libraries were constructed using the ScriptSeq kit from Epicentre. A control RNA set from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) were spiked-into the library preparation. Libraries were sequenced using the Illumina HiSeq 1000, version 3 chemistry, 100bp paired-end reads and produced over 200million reads. The reads were quality controlled filtered and assembled using the Trinity Assembler. This database contains the raw read files and the assembled Transcriptome.

More information

  • URI:
  • DOI: 10.1575/1912/5613
  • Language: en_US


  • Nematostella Embryonic Transcriptome, RNA-Seq Raw Reads


  • accessioned: December 12, 2012
  • available: October 22, 2014
  • Publication date: December 12, 2012


embargo: 2013-06-01

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