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Title: Henry Bryant Bigelow speech during a Noon Luncheon at the WHOI conference room

Type Recording, oral Bigelow, Henry Bryant, 1879-1967 (2022-08-26): Henry Bryant Bigelow speech during a Noon Luncheon at the WHOI conference room. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Recording, oral.

Author: Bigelow, Henry Bryant, 1879-1967 ;



A speech by Henry Bryant Bigelow during a Noon Luncheon at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Recording includes an introduction by Adam Smith and comments by Columbus Iselin, Alfred Redfield, and Dr. H. Graham of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service

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  • URI:


  • Oceanography, Speeches, Bigelow, Henry Bryant, 1879-1967, Iselin, Columbus O'Donnell, 1904-1971, Redfield, A. C. (Alfred Clarence), 1890-1983, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service


  • accessioned: August 26, 2022
  • available: August 26, 2022
  • created: July 14, 1955
  • Publication date: August 26, 2022


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