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Title: Increased typhoon activity in the Pacific deep tropics driven by Little Ice Age circulation changes

Type Dataset Bramante, James F., Ford, Murray R., Kench, Paul S., Ashton, Andrew D., Toomey, Michael R., Sullivan, Richard M., Karnauskas, Kristopher B., Ummenhofer, Caroline C., Donnelly, Jeffrey P. (2020-09-02): Increased typhoon activity in the Pacific deep tropics driven by Little Ice Age circulation changes. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Dataset.

Authors: Bramante, James F. ; Ford, Murray R. ; Kench, Paul S. ; Ashton, Andrew D. ; Toomey, Michael R. ; Sullivan, Richard M. ; Karnauskas, Kristopher B. ; Ummenhofer, Caroline C. ; Donnelly, Jeffrey P. ;



The instrumental record reveals that tropical cyclone activity is sensitive to oceanic and atmospheric variability on inter-annual and decadal scales. However, our understanding of climate’s influence on tropical cyclone behavior is restricted by the short historical record and sparse prehistorical reconstructions, particularly in the western North Pacific where coastal communities suffer loss of life and livelihood from typhoons annually. Here we reconstruct three millennia of deep tropical North Pacific cyclogenesis and compare with other records to explore past regional typhoon dynamics. These records demonstrate low baseline activity prior to 1350 C.E. followed by a rapid culmination in activity during the Little Ice Age. This pattern is concurrent with hydroclimate proxy variability, suggesting a centennial-scale link between Pacific hydroclimate and tropical cyclone climatology. Using an ensemble of global climate models, we demonstrate that migration of the Pacific Walker circulation and variability in two Pacific climate modes during the Little Ice Age contributed to enhanced tropical cyclone activity in the tropical western North Pacific. Changes to Walker Circulation and expansion of the tropics projected for the next century invert Little Ice Age hydroclimate trends, potentially reducing typhoon activity in the deep tropical Pacific.

More information

  • URI:
  • DOI: 10.26025/1912/26159


  • Tropical cyclones, Little Ice Age, Last millennium, Paleoclimate


  • accessioned: September 03, 2020
  • available: September 03, 2020
  • created: November 09, 2015
  • Publication date: September 02, 2020

Much of the data past this point we don't have good examples of yet. Please share in #rdi slack if you have good examples for anything that appears below. Thanks!

Funding Information

This project was supported by the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program through award SERDP RC-2336


electronic resource


Jaluit Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands


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