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Title: How variable is mixing efficiency in the abyss?

Type Dataset Ijichi, Takashi, St. Laurent, Louis C., Polzin, Kurt L., Toole, John M. (2020-03-02): How variable is mixing efficiency in the abyss?. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Dataset.

Authors: Ijichi, Takashi ; St. Laurent, Louis C. ; Polzin, Kurt L. ; Toole, John M. ;



This directory contains BBTRE/DoMORE processed data (“all_BBTRE.mat” and “all_DoMORE.mat”) that was used to produce all figures in the above research letter. Each mat file has two structure arrays named “location” and “patch10”. The “location” array includes microstructure profile information used in this study (Table D1). The “patch10” array includes 10-m patch-wise parameter estimates used in this study (Table D2). Note that bulk averaged parameters can be constructed from parameters saved in “patch10” (see the above paper).

More information

  • URI:
  • DOI: 10.26025/25456


  • accessioned: March 02, 2020
  • available: March 02, 2020
  • Publication date: March 02, 2020

Much of the data past this point we don't have good examples of yet. Please share in #rdi slack if you have good examples for anything that appears below. Thanks!

Funding Information

This project was funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.


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