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Title: Holtfreter notebook page showing cellular movement around the blastopore, some cells in blue

Type Still Image Holtfreter, Johannes. Holtfreter notebook page showing cellular movement around the blastopore, some cells in blue. Arizona Board of Regents. Still Image.

Author: Holtfreter, Johannes ;


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  • OTHER:
  • URI:
  • Language: Ger


  • mblhistory: Notes & Data


  • accessioned: July 20, 2017
  • available: July 20, 2017
  • created: 1942


Hand drawn sketches of cells (some colored in blue) along with hand written notes (pencil) Observations of the cell movements involved in gastrulation. Probably depicting an amphibian embryo. Holtfreter has drawn clusters of cells around what appears to be the blastopore of an amphibian embryo. The central cells in his clusters are shaded in blue. In several sketches he appears to be depicting the invagination of cells around the lip of the blastopore. type: Illustrations


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