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Title: Replication Data for: Experimental Evidence on the Long-Run Impact of Community-Based Monitoring

Type Dataset Björkman Nyqvist, Martina, de Walque, Damien, Svensson, Jakob (2018): Replication Data for: Experimental Evidence on the Long-Run Impact of Community-Based Monitoring. Harvard Dataverse. Dataset.

Authors: Björkman Nyqvist, Martina (Stockholm School of Economics) ; de Walque, Damien (The World Bank) ; Svensson, Jakob (Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University) ; Björkman Nyqvist, Martina (Stockholm School of Economics) ; de Walque, Damien (The World Bank) ; Svensson, Jakob (Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University) ;



We evaluate the longer run impact of a local accountability intervention in primary health care provision in Uganda. Short-run improvements in health care delivery and health outcomes remained in the longer run despite minimal follow-up. We find no impact on the quality of care or health outcomes of a lower cost intervention that focused on encouraging participation but did not provide information on staff performance. We provide suggestive evidence that informed beneficiaries are more likely to identify and challenge (mis)behavior by providers and, as a result, turn their focus to issues that they can manage locally.

More information

  • DOI: 10.7910/DVN/SXEIIS


  • Social Sciences


  • Publication date: 2018
  • Submitted: July 03, 2018
  • Updated: April 03, 2020


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