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Title: Replication Code for: Financial Incentives to Facilities and Clinicians Treating Patients with End-Stage Kidney Disease and Use of Home Dialysis

Type Dataset Ji, Yunan, Einav, Liran, Mahoney, Neale, Finkelstein, Amy (2022): Replication Code for: Financial Incentives to Facilities and Clinicians Treating Patients with End-Stage Kidney Disease and Use of Home Dialysis. Harvard Dataverse. Dataset.

Authors: Ji, Yunan (McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University) ; Einav, Liran (Department of Economics, Stanford University) ; Mahoney, Neale (Department of Economics, Stanford University) ; Finkelstein, Amy (Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) ; Gubb, Jesse (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) ;



The replication package contains code to replicate tables and figures from "Financial Incentives to Facilities and Clinicians Treating Patients with End-Stage Kidney Disease and Use of Home Dialysis" by Ji, Einav, Mahoney, and Finkelstein (2022). Data is not included in this package as the data must be requested directly from Medicare. Please see the Readme file for additional details. The project evaluates the first year of the End Stage Renal Disease Treatment Choice (ETC) model, a multiyear, mandatory-participation randomized clinical trial of a payment reform, designed and implemented by the US Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMMI). The trial found no statistically significantly different rates of home dialysis between treatment and control hospital referral regions during the first year of the program, suggesting that higher incentives may be necessary to change clinician and facility behavior.

More information

  • DOI: 10.7910/DVN/NAXDC8


  • Medicine, Health and Life Sciences, Social Sciences, Health insurance, Medicare, payment reform, randomized controlled trial, field experiment, dialysis, home dialysis, kidney disease, end stage renal disease


  • Publication date: 2022
  • Submitted: November 21, 2022
  • Updated: November 21, 2022


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