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Title: Dams, Poverty, Public Goods and Malaria Incidence in India

Type Dataset Duflo, Esther, Pande, Rohini (2007): Dams, Poverty, Public Goods and Malaria Incidence in India. Harvard Dataverse. Dataset.

Authors: Duflo, Esther (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) ; Pande, Rohini (Harvard University) ; Pande, Rohini (Harvard University) ; Duflo, Esther (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) ; Esther Duflo ; Rohini Pande ; Jameel Poverty Action Lab ;



The data contains 5 different files, classified by topic. The file india_pov_c81_revise.dta contains variables on the number of dams in each district as well as information about the neighbouring districts. The data set also includes data on local poverty, such as a povertygap measure, the gini coefficient, mean per capita expenditure. The file india_ag_extend contains in addition, data on agricultural produc tion ( value, yield) for major crops and distinguishes between water-intensive and non-water-intensive crops. The file census.dta contains data on the population size and occupation. The file india_public_updown_doc.dta contains data on the availability of public goods such as water access, power facilities and road. The file malaria_code81.dta contains in addition a variable about malaria incidence.

More information

  • DOI: 10.7910/DVN/MNIBOL


  • Social Sciences, dams and poverty, The MacArthur Network on Inequality, JPAL
  • Economic theory and demography: Economic theory, Demography
  • Health: Public health


  • Publication date: 2007
  • Issued: 2006
  • Created: 2006
  • Submitted: 2006
  • Updated: March 31, 2020


Datacite resource type: census data Other: Subject: STANDARD DEPOSIT TERMS 1.0 Type: DATAPASS:TERMS:STANDARD:1.0 Notes: This study was deposited under the of the Data-PASS standard deposit terms. A copy of the usage agreement is included in the file section of this study.;


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