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Title: Data for Haqdarshak: Leveraging Technology and Entrepreneurship to Increase Access to Welfare Programs

Type Dataset Abhijit Banerjee, Jennifer Bussell, Sarika Gupta, Rema Hanna, Ben Olken (2021): Data for Haqdarshak: Leveraging Technology and Entrepreneurship to Increase Access to Welfare Programs. Harvard Dataverse. Dataset.

Authors: Abhijit Banerjee (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) ; Jennifer Bussell (University of California, Berkeley) ; Sarika Gupta (Harvard University) ; Rema Hanna (Harvard University) ; Ben Olken (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) ; Weiss, Alexa (Harvard University) ;



This package contains replication data for the project "Haqdarshak: Leveraging Technology and Entrepreneurship to Increase Access to Welfare Programs.” The package contains two main sets of data: i) de-identified raw data files for baseline, intervention and endline for the pilot sample (646 households), conducted in 10 Indian villages in Dausa district, Rajasthan, from December 2017 to April 2019; ii) the baseline data collected for the main experimental sample (4808 households), which was launched in July 2019 across 94 villages in the district of Sikar, Jhunjhunu and Bhilwara, and completed in February 2020. The main intervention and endline were put on pause because of COVID-19, so there is only baseline data for the main experiment. The code, produced in Stata, contains both cleaning and analysis code, which generate intermediate data and latex tables, respectively. For further details on the data or code, please see the readme file. Finally, the package also contains the survey instruments used in data collection as well as a narrative report from the project that provides analysis on the pilot and baseline data.

More information

  • DOI: 10.7910/DVN/DBX9YW


  • Social Sciences


  • Publication date: 2021
  • Submitted: August 10, 2021
  • Updated: August 10, 2021


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