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Title: Promoting Handwashing Behavior: The Effects of Large-Scale Community and School-Level Interventions

Type Dataset Galiani, Sebastian, Gertler, Paul, Ajzenman, Nicolás, Orsola-Vidal, Alexandra (2017): Promoting Handwashing Behavior: The Effects of Large-Scale Community and School-Level Interventions. Harvard Dataverse. Dataset.

Authors: Galiani, Sebastian (University of Maryland) ; Gertler, Paul (University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business) ; Ajzenman, Nicolás (Sciences Po) ; Orsola-Vidal, Alexandra (University of California, Berkeley) ; Galiani, Sebastian (University of Maryland) ; Gertler, Paul (University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business) ; Ajzenman, Nicolás (Sciences Po) ; Orsola-Vidal, Alexandra (University of California, Berkeley) ;



This paper analyzes a randomized experiment that uses novel strategies to promote handwashing with soap at critical points in time in Peru. It evaluates a large-scale comprehensive initiative that involved both community and school activities in addition to communication campaigns. The analysis indicates that the initiative was successful in reaching the target audience and in increasing the treated population’s knowledge about appropriate handwashing behavior. These improvements translated into higher self-reported and observed handwashing with soap at critical junctures. However, no significant improvements in the health of children under the age of 5 years were observed.

More information

  • DOI: 10.7910/DVN/0OTVLH


  • Social Sciences
  • CESSDA: Public Health


  • Publication date: 2017
  • Submitted: December 14, 2017
  • Updated: July 27, 2022


Datacite resource type: Sample survey data


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Funding Information

World Bank


electronic resource


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